

Metaphorist, Hardcover Book

This book is a metaphorical art book-paintings and metaphors on display. It is a coffee table book that won't get old and will always attract attention. As the artist, I intended to entertain and provoke your mind into aha moments.

Visual metamorphosis is the term we use to indicate shapeshifting in art. It allows an artist to transform a shape representing one item into a similar form representing something else. In this case, visual and prose metaphors shapeshift mental imagery into different meanings, thought forms, and imagination.

This is Jeff Layton's eighth book.

Art Work: Jeff Layton

There are moments in your life that you relive in your mind, sometimes repeatedly. When you stop and think of all the moments you have had in your life-countless, as you couldn't possibly count them all. These moments are significant for many reasons; I hope to make this one.

I have a painting a few pages from this one titled "Movement is Forever." It was my breakthrough painting. The image is a moment in time frozen still. It could be titled A Moment is Forever, which isn't true, but it can be when you freeze a moment in time, in your life, in your mind. I believe that is why we had cave art, then artwork paintings, which evolved into a camera and photographs. We wanted to freeze, capture a moment, and make it last forever.

Color, Pages: 86, 8.5"/11"

Reading is the theater of our minds. The curtain is opening.

Book Chapters:

Chapter, Page

Metaphorist 3
Prologue 5
Circle of Awareness 6
Movement is Forever 10
Sunrays on a Lake 13
Sunrays on a Lake 2 15
Body, Space, Mind 18
Solarization 21
Introspection 22
Drift 23
The Flow, Fly Fisherman 24
The Fly Fisherman 25
Childhood Memories 27
Childhood Memories 2 29
Power of Seeing 30
Beach Run, Self Portrait 32
Miscellaneous 33
Forest Trail 34
Forest Skylight 34
Forest Trail Etching 36
Pacific Crest Trail Backpacker 37
Pacific Crest Trail Trek 39
The Wind Cries, Mary 40
The Wave 41
Hawaiian Trade Winds 42
Poetic Lines Consumed 43

Chapter, Page

Juxted—Juxtaposition 45
Propagation 46
Daffodil Flower Cutout 47
Cyclist Hitting the Wall 49
Eternity Awaits 51
Summer Flower Energy 53
Pacific Northwest 54
Power Struggle Within 55
Sugar Beach 57
The Road to Hana 59
Road to Hana, Paia 61
Sugarcane Aloha 62
Road to Hana, Finale 63
Flowers in the Sun 64
Yin and Yang Dance 65
Emotionally Sexed 66
Circling 67
Circling – Show the Way 68
Nature vs. Nurture 70
Cities on Flame with Civilization 71
Autumn Storm 73
Breaking Maui Wave 74
Bird of Paradise 75
Maui Sunset 76
Surfing Mind Meld 78
Buck Stops Here 85

Video of artwork relating to this book. (Click Here)

Buy Hardcover Book (Click Here)

Artbook Painting Slideshow (5)                   Click on slide >

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Circle Of Awareness
Forest Trail
Mind Body Space
Summer Flowers Energy
Hawaiian Trades


*  Possibilities (Click Here)

*  Metaphorist (Click Here)

*  Seven (Click Here)

*  The Subjective Time Traveler (Click Here)

*  The XY Factor (Click Here)

*  My Metaphoric Life (Click Here)

*  The Multiverse Connection (Click Here)

*  I am but a Dream (Click Here)

*  A Metaphor of Life – Rose Red Roses (Click Here)

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